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Together Energy – the Scottish-based energy company in which Warrington Borough Council has a 50% share – is providing better customer service than a number of the big energy suppliers, according to new figures.

The latest edition of Citizens Advice’s energy star rating - which ranks domestic suppliers based on customer service – has placed Together Energy above British Gas, SSE, E.ON and Scottish Power.

Together Energy has been ranked in 20th place out of 34 suppliers, due to its performance in completing 99.6% of switches successfully within 15 working days, responding to over 85% of emails within 2 days and achieving average call centre wait times of 26 seconds.

It represents further progress for the company, which announced in March that it has seen a 284% increase in its customer accounts over the past two years – growing from 97,000 in Quarter 4 2019, to 280,000 in Quarter 1 2021.