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Warrington residents, businesses and visitors are being encouraged to share their views and suggestions on Warrington’s Town Deal projects, before the public survey closes on Sunday 22 August.

In August 2020, Warrington's Town Deal Board - a group of business, political, leisure, cultural, community and education leaders - submitted a pioneering Town Investment Plan (TIP) to support Warrington’s ambitious future. In October, £22m funding was confirmed to allow Warrington to take forward seven truly transformative projects that will engage, inspire and connect the town’s communities for generations to come.

Following confirmation of this funding, a survey was opened earlier this year, in June, to seek public opinion and suggestions on the seven proposed projects as part of the £22m Town Deal for Warrington.

Almost 9 out of 10 respondents to the public survey so far have shown their support for Warrington’s Town Deal projects. Each of the seven projects requires a business case to be submitted and approved, with feedback helping to shape the plans for each of the projects.

Although the feedback window for the sustainable travel programme, Advanced Construction & Civil Engineering (ACCE) Centre and Health and Social Care Academy (HSCA) have closed, residents have until the end of the week to share their thoughts on the remaining Town Deal workstreams, which are:

  • A health and wellbeing hub in the town centre – for people to access a range of services, with a focus on frailty services and support for children and families
  • A new bus depot – relocating the Warrington's Own Buses Depot from its current site to a purpose-built new depot on Dallam Lane
  • A digital enterprise hub – to support all aspects of digital and disruptive technologies
  • A remastered cultural hub at the Pyramid – which will nurture the arts professionals of the future, providing a modern and flexible creative space to collaborate, produce, present and perform

Big public support for the Town Deal projects

Chair of Warrington Town Deal Board and MD of Muse Developments, Matt Crompton, said: “I’m grateful for people sharing their views and suggestions about our Town Deal projects. We’ve had hundreds of responses so far and the feedback has undoubtedly helped to shape our plans. There have been some really innovative ideas we had not previously considered and responses that have helped us enhance our proposals.

“I’m equally pleased to see that the vast majority of respondents to our survey have spoken positively about our plans. It shows that we’re definitely on the same wavelength as our communities. I’d encourage anyone who has not yet had chance to share their views on our Town Deal, to complete the short survey before it closes this weekend, Sunday 22 August.”

Continuing work to shape the Town Deal plans

Following the closure of the survey, work will continue on business cases for each project, which will then be submitted for approval by Cabinet. Throughout this next phase of work, engagement with the public and stakeholders will continue in more detail, as each project focuses on how to make the vision for each project a reality.

For more information about Warrington’s Town Deal, the seven key projects and how you can offer feedback, visit The Town Deal page.