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The number of people visiting retail, hospitality and leisure businesses in Warrington is on its way to returning to pre-pandemic levels, new data shows.

This follows the easing of lockdown restrictions on July 19 – so-called ‘Freedom Day’ – which saw the end of legal limits on social contact across England.

As well as removing mandatory social distancing and mask wearing, although both are still encouraged, nightclubs were allowed to reopen and large music and sports events permitted to take place.

This has seen more people venture into the town centre to enjoy their new-found freedom.

Google uses location data from phones and other personal devices to track trends in people's movement in different parts of their daily lives.

It compares footfall in five areas outside of the home – retail and recreation, supermarkets and pharmacies, parks, public transport and workplaces – to a five week-baseline period recorded before the Covid-19 crisis.